Sinophone Societies and Cultures (Master)

Degree Programme Code: 066 811

4 semesters / 120 ECTS credits

Language: English

NO entrance examination


While a translated version of the curriculum is available in English, please note that in case of doubt or differences between the German document and its English translation, the original German version shall prevail.

Guide to admission

Here you will find information about the program and a step-by-step guide on how to submit your application and complete the admissions process.

Registration for courses and examinations

  • All registration is done in U:SPACE.
  • A full list of courses offered each semester can be found in the Course Directory in U:FIND.
  • Students can repeat courses within 12 months of receiving a positive grade for the same course. Repeating the course at a later point is not possible. More information here (in German). 


If you cannot make it to the first lesson of your course, you need to write the lecturer an e-mail stating the reason you cannot attend BEFORE the start of the lesson. All students who do not show up and fail to inform the lecturer in time will be automatically deregistered.

Deregistration from courses with continuous assessment is possible until 31 October and is done in U:SPACE. If you quit a course after this date, you will get a fail grade. If you intend to deregister from a course you're currently in, please do so as early as possible in order to allow for one of your colleagues from the waiting list to take your place.

You can only sign up for remaining course places if you fulfil all the requirements for the respective course(s)!

Master's Study Path


1st Semester

2nd Semester

3rd Semester

4th Semester

Language Training

M 1

VU Structures of Modern Chinese in Theory and Practice
(4 ECTS)

M 2

UE Oral Linguistic and Cultural Mediation
(4 ECTS)

M 3

UE Academic Language Proficiency 1
(5 ECTS)

M 3

UE Academic Language Proficiency 2
(5 ECTS)

M 2

UE Chinese Specialist Language
(5 ECTS)

M 2

UE Written Linguistic and Cultural Mediation
(4 ECTS)


M 4

SE Introductory Social Science Seminar
(8 ECTS)

M 4

SE Introductory Cultural Studies Seminar
(8 ECTS)

M 5

SE Theories and Methods (Social Sciences or Cultural Studies)
(10 ECTS)

M 6

Advanced Seminar (Social Sciences or Cultural Studies)
(10 ECTS)

Master's thesis
(22 ECTS)

M 6

SE Comparative Seminar (Social Sciences or Cultural Studies)
(10 ECTS)

M 7

SE Master’s Colloquium
(10 ECTS)

Oral Master’s Examination
(4 ECTS)

M 8

Individual Specialisation
(10 ECTS)






*Social Sciences (SS), Cultural Studies (CS)